Friday, January 18, 2013

A very special Paper Bag Album

So I made this very special "Paper Bag Album", Well I would like to think its super special. Why is that? well. Recently I decided to contact a cousin who I have not seen in years. To be specific I have not heard from her seen from her in almost 10 years. Now in the past I have tried contacting her. Maybe I should have tried harder. But I thought to my self here I am going to be 35 soon and we are a month a part, we grew up together, played together. Granted we had our ups and downs. But isn't Blood suppose to be thicker then water right? So I am going to try again. Hey that is all I can do right? So I wrote her a letter. Granted I have not heard back from her yet. I sent it via Email. I am not sure if she will send one back Email or in a letter in snail mail. I would like to hope I do hear from her. In the mean time I do have her mailing address. So I made this Album for her and might send her a few other goodies. So this is my attempt at restarting a relationship. I love this album personally. And I did put a lot of love into it as well.

Here is the youtube video showing the details. I hope you enjoy looking at it. I know I enjoyed making it.

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